Welcome to our 2024 Distance Learning AP Summer Institute in US Government and Politics. Our distance learning course will include both synchronous and asynchronous instruction each day and participants will have the opportunity to receive individual feedback and ask individual questions during virtual office hours that will also be scheduled each day.
This course will provide you with an overview of the basic structure, content, and skills necessary for an AP course in Government and Politics: United States. We will focus on the development of the course using the redesigned curriculum framework as well as the development of learning activities and teaching strategies for use with each of the big ideas, learning objectives, essential knowledge and skills included in the redesigned framework. Emphasis will be placed on using multiple resources in the teaching of the course as well as on developing the skills necessary for preparing students for success on the AP examination format. An analysis of AP examination questions will be included as well as a review of the standards for the grading of the exam. A major portion of the course is devoted to the development of units and lessons for an AP U.S. Government and Politics course by participants, including the learning activities and resources necessary for the implementation of such a course.
This course is suitable for teachers new to AP U. S. Government and Politics as well as those experienced in the teaching of the course. Teachers with experience in teaching this AP Course will review a variety of approaches to course structure, and they will gain numerous teaching strategies to add to their toolboxes. Teachers new to this AP Course will learn about the course requirements as well as various curriculum strategies and teaching techniques that will assist them in offering students a successful AP US Government and Politics course.
Please have the textbook that you will be using in your course (if that is known) available during our sessions as well as and any other materials you may be using in the teaching of your course. You should also have a copy of your 2024-2025 school calendar available for planning purposes. These will be used as you work to develop units and lessons aligned to the curriculum requirements in the Course and Exam Description.
Synchronous instruction will be delivered using Zoom. Additionally, my Canvas page will be shared and used to share additional materials and for asynchronous instruction. Some materials may be better utilized in print format so access to a printer during our sessions would be helpful.
At the conclusion of this course participants will be able to:
• Develop familiarity with the components and content of the Course and Exam Description (CED) and make connections to the Curricular Requirements.
• Develop a curriculum, including activities and assessments, for all units, topics and skills included in the course.
• Implement various instructional strategies and tools to teach the content and skills in the Course and Exam description and to prepare students for the AP exam.
• Devise or revise a syllabus to align with course requirements.
• Make equitable access and attention to diversity and inclusion a guiding principle in designing instruction.
• Develop familiarity with and utilize all the resources included in AP Classroom.
• Leverage the data in AP Classroom and interpret data within the Instructional
Planning Report to identify student strengths and weaknesses and reflect on
implications for instruction.
Day 1
• Diversity & Inclusion and Equity & Access
• Introduction to Curricular Requirements and Syllabus Development
• The Practice of Political Science: Development of Skills
• The Exam Format
- Understanding the Unit Guides
- Spiraling and Scaffolding
-Topic Questions and Progress Checks
-Question Bank (Including Practice Exams)
-Interpreting Student Data
• Other Resources from the National Constitution Center
• Street Law Resources
• AP Central Resources and the AP Teacher Community
• Selection of Texts and Other Resources
Day 3
• Reading and Analyzing Required Documents
• Analyzing and interpreting Visuals
• Connecting and Applying Concepts
• Analyzing Quantitative Data
• Analyzing and Comparing Supreme Court Cases
• Writing an Argument Essay Like a Political Scientist
• Planning and Developing Curriculum and Lessons for Selected Units
Day 4
• Scoring the Exam
• Final Questions
• Evaluations and Closure