Note: Since changes the College Board proposed in draft form have not been finalized, the workshop will focus on the current Course and Exam Description (CED).
Items you will need for the week:
• If possible, a copy of your school's academic calendar
• If possible, a copy of the textbook you will be using and any supplemental materials
• If possible, please consider bringing a favorite lesson, review, assessment, or demonstration you have found useful in the classroom, even if the idea was created for a different subject that you are willing to share. The exchange of ideas is key to continued growth in the field.

● Goal setting: What topics/concerns do we want to make sure we discuss?
● Structuring your AP Psychology Course. Tour of the CED & planning sheets.
● Sharing our organization systems, discussing advantages and disadvantages of different examples
● Choosing a textbook
● AP Course Audit
● First day activities
Psychology Content: Scientific Foundations of Psychology
Big CED Topic: The AP Psychology Exam - the Multiple Choice
● How is the AP exam designed?
Psychology Content: Scientific Foundations of Psychology (Research methods); Biological Bases of Behavior, Sensation & Perception
Day 3:
● Purpose of the free-response questions
● History of the free-response questions, and what we might expect in the future
● AP Reading Simulation
● Grading the free-response answers with a rubric
● How should we prepare our students to answer free-response questions?
Psychology Content: Learning & Cognition
Revisit Day 3 - Questions?
Big CED Topic: AP Classroom - What is it, and how can we use it?
Psychology Content: Development; Mot/Emo/Personality; Clinical; Social